Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: XLIB; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;;; This file contains definitions for the BUFFER object for Common-Lisp X
;;; windows version 11
;;; P.O. BOX 2909
;;; AUSTIN, TEXAS 78769
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
;;; and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
;;; permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;;; express or implied warranty.
;; A few notes:
;; 1. The BUFFER implements a two-way buffered byte / half-word
;; / word stream. Hooks are left for implementing this with a
;; shared memory buffer, or with effenciency hooks to the network
;; code.
;; 2. The BUFFER object uses overlapping displaced arrays for
;; inserting and removing bytes half-words and words.
;; 3. The BYTE component of these arrays is written to a STREAM
;; associated with the BUFFER. The stream has its own buffer.
;; This may be made more efficient by using the Zetalisp
;; :Send-Output-Buffer operation.
;; 4. The BUFFER object is INCLUDED in the DISPLAY object.
;; This was done to reduce access time when sending requests,
;; while maintaing some code modularity.
;; Several buffer functions are duplicated (with-buffer,
;; buffer-force-output, close-buffer) to keep the naming
;; conventions consistent.
;; 5. A nother layer of software is built on top of this for generating
;; both client and server interface routines, given a specification
;; of the protocol. (see the INTERFACE file)
;; 6. Care is taken to leave the buffer pointer (buffer-bbuf) set to
;; a point after a complete request. This is to ensure that a partial
;; request won't be left after aborts (e.g. control-abort on a lispm).
(in-package :xlib)
(defconstant *requestsize* 160) ;; Max request size (excluding variable length requests)
;;; This is here instead of in bufmac so that with-display can be
;;; compiled without macros and bufmac being loaded.
(defmacro with-buffer ((buffer &key timeout inline)
&body body &environment env)
;; This macro is for use in a multi-process environment. It provides
;; exclusive access to the local buffer object for request generation and
;; reply processing.
`(macrolet ((with-buffer ((buffer &key timeout) &body body)
;; Speedup hack for lexically nested with-buffers
(progn ,buffer ,@(and timeout `(,timeout)) nil)
,(if (and (null inline) (macroexpand '(use-closures) env))
`(flet ((.with-buffer-body. () ,@body))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'.with-buffer-body.))
(with-buffer-function ,buffer ,timeout #'.with-buffer-body.))
(let ((buf (if (or (symbolp buffer) (constantp buffer))
`(let (,@(unless (eq buf buffer) `((,buf ,buffer))))
,@(unless (eq buf buffer) `((declare (type buffer ,buf))))
(when (buffer-dead ,buf)
(x-error 'closed-display :display ,buf))
(holding-lock ((buffer-lock ,buf) ,buf "CLX Display Lock"
,@(and timeout `(:timeout ,timeout)))
(defun with-buffer-function (buffer timeout function)
(declare (type display buffer)
(type (or null number) timeout)
(type function function)
(dynamic-extent function)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg function))
(with-buffer (buffer :timeout timeout :inline t)
(funcall function)))
;;; The following are here instead of in bufmac so that event-case can
;;; be compiled without macros and bufmac being loaded.
(defmacro read-card8 (byte-index)
`(aref-card8 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-int8 (byte-index)
`(aref-int8 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-card16 (byte-index)
`(aref-card16 buffer-wbuf (index+ buffer-woffset (index-ash ,byte-index -1)))
`(aref-card16 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-int16 (byte-index)
`(aref-int16 buffer-wbuf (index+ buffer-woffset (index-ash ,byte-index -1)))
`(aref-int16 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-card32 (byte-index)
`(aref-card32 buffer-lbuf (index+ buffer-loffset (index-ash ,byte-index -2)))
`(aref-card32 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-int32 (byte-index)
`(aref-int32 buffer-lbuf (index+ buffer-loffset (index-ash ,byte-index -2)))
`(aref-int32 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro read-card29 (byte-index)
`(aref-card29 buffer-lbuf (index+ buffer-loffset (index-ash ,byte-index -2)))
`(aref-card29 buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset ,byte-index)))
(defmacro event-code (reply-buffer)
;; The reply-buffer structure is used for events.
;; The size slot is used for the event code.
`(reply-size ,reply-buffer))
(defmacro reading-event ((event &rest options) &body body)
(declare (arglist (buffer &key sizes) &body body))
;; BODY may contain calls to (READ32 &optional index) etc.
;; These calls will read from the input buffer at byte
;; offset INDEX. If INDEX is not supplied, then the next
;; word, half-word or byte is returned.
`(with-buffer-input (,event ,@options) ,@body))
(defmacro with-buffer-input ((reply-buffer &key display (sizes '(8 16 32)) index)
&body body)
(unless (listp sizes) (setq sizes (list sizes)))
;; 160 is a special hack for client-message-events
(when (set-difference sizes '(0 8 16 32 160 256))
(error "Illegal sizes in ~a" sizes))
`(let ((%reply-buffer ,reply-buffer)
,@(and display `((%buffer ,display))))
(declare (type reply-buffer %reply-buffer)
,@(and display '((type display %buffer))))
,@(and display '(%buffer))
(let* ((buffer-boffset (the array-index ,(or index 0)))
(buffer-bbuf (reply-ibuf8 %reply-buffer))
(when (member 8 sizes)
`((buffer-bbuf (reply-ibuf8 %reply-buffer))))
(when (or (member 16 sizes) (member 160 sizes))
`((buffer-woffset (index-ash buffer-boffset -1))
(buffer-wbuf (reply-ibuf16 %reply-buffer))))
(when (member 32 sizes)
`((buffer-loffset (index-ash buffer-boffset -2))
(buffer-lbuf (reply-ibuf32 %reply-buffer))))))
(declare (type array-index buffer-boffset))
(declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
(array-register buffer-bbuf))
(when (member 8 sizes)
'((declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
(array-register buffer-bbuf))))
(when (member 16 sizes)
'((declare (type array-index buffer-woffset))
(declare (type buffer-words buffer-wbuf)
(array-register buffer-wbuf))))
(when (member 32 sizes)
'((declare (type array-index buffer-loffset))
(declare (type buffer-longs buffer-lbuf)
(array-register buffer-lbuf)))))
(when (member 8 sizes) '(buffer-bbuf))
(when (member 16 sizes) '(buffer-woffset buffer-wbuf))
(when (member 32 sizes) '(buffer-loffset buffer-lbuf)))
(macrolet ((%buffer-sizes () ',sizes))
(defun make-buffer (output-size constructor &rest options)
(declare (dynamic-extent options))
;; Output-Size is the output-buffer size in bytes.
(let ((byte-output (make-array output-size :element-type 'card8
:initial-element 0)))
(apply constructor
:size output-size
:obuf8 byte-output
(make-array (index-ash output-size -1)
:element-type 'overlap16
:displaced-to byte-output)
(make-array (index-ash output-size -2)
:element-type 'overlap32
:displaced-to byte-output)
(defun make-reply-buffer (size)
;; Size is the buffer size in bytes
(let ((byte-input (make-array size :element-type 'card8
:initial-element 0)))
:size size
:ibuf8 byte-input
(make-array (index-ash size -1)
:element-type 'overlap16
:displaced-to byte-input)
(make-array (index-ash size -2)
:element-type 'overlap32
:displaced-to byte-input))))
(defun buffer-ensure-size (buffer size)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type array-index size))
(when (index> size (buffer-size buffer))
(with-buffer (buffer)
(buffer-flush buffer)
(let* ((new-buffer-size (index-ash 1 (integer-length (index1- size))))
(new-buffer (make-array new-buffer-size :element-type 'card8
:initial-element 0)))
(setf (buffer-obuf8 buffer) new-buffer)
(setf (buffer-obuf16 buffer)
(make-array (index-ash new-buffer-size -1)
:element-type 'overlap16
:displaced-to new-buffer)
(buffer-obuf32 buffer)
(make-array (index-ash new-buffer-size -2)
:element-type 'overlap32
:displaced-to new-buffer))))))
(defun buffer-pad-request (buffer pad)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type array-index pad))
(unless (index-zerop pad)
(when (index> (index+ (buffer-boffset buffer) pad)
(buffer-size buffer))
(buffer-flush buffer))
(incf (buffer-boffset buffer) pad)
(unless (index-zerop (index-mod (buffer-boffset buffer) 4))
(buffer-flush buffer))))
(declaim (inline buffer-new-request-number))
(defun buffer-new-request-number (buffer)
(declare (type buffer buffer))
(setf (buffer-request-number buffer)
(ldb (byte 16 0) (1+ (buffer-request-number buffer)))))
(defun with-buffer-request-function (display gc-force request-function)
(declare (type display display)
(type (or null gcontext) gc-force))
(declare (type function request-function)
(dynamic-extent request-function)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg request-function))
(with-buffer (display :inline t)
(when gc-force (force-gcontext-changes-internal gc-force))
(without-aborts (funcall request-function display)))
(display-invoke-after-function display))))
(defun with-buffer-request-function-nolock (display gc-force request-function)
(declare (type display display)
(type (or null gcontext) gc-force))
(declare (type function request-function)
(dynamic-extent request-function)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg request-function))
(when gc-force (force-gcontext-changes-internal gc-force))
(without-aborts (funcall request-function display)))
(display-invoke-after-function display)))
(defstruct (pending-command (:copier nil) (:predicate nil))
(sequence 0 :type card16)
(reply-buffer nil :type (or null reply-buffer))
(process nil)
(next nil #-explorer :type #-explorer (or null pending-command)))
(defun with-buffer-request-and-reply-function
(display multiple-reply request-function reply-function)
(declare (type display display)
(type boolean multiple-reply))
(declare (type function request-function reply-function)
(dynamic-extent request-function reply-function)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg request-function reply-function))
(let ((pending-command nil)
(reply-buffer nil))
(declare (type (or null pending-command) pending-command)
(type (or null reply-buffer) reply-buffer))
(with-buffer (display :inline t)
(setq pending-command (start-pending-command display))
(without-aborts (funcall request-function display))
(buffer-force-output display)
(display-invoke-after-function display))
(cond (multiple-reply
(setq reply-buffer (read-reply display pending-command))
(when (funcall reply-function display reply-buffer) (return nil))
(deallocate-reply-buffer (shiftf reply-buffer nil))))
(setq reply-buffer (read-reply display pending-command))
(funcall reply-function display reply-buffer))))
(when reply-buffer (deallocate-reply-buffer reply-buffer))
(when pending-command (stop-pending-command display pending-command)))))
;; Buffer stream operations
(defun buffer-write (vector buffer start end)
;; Write out VECTOR from START to END into BUFFER
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type array-index start end))
(when (buffer-dead buffer)
(x-error 'closed-display :display buffer))
(wrap-buf-output (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-write-function buffer) vector buffer start end))
(defun buffer-flush (buffer)
;; Write the buffer contents to the server stream - doesn't force-output the stream
(declare (type buffer buffer))
(unless (buffer-flush-inhibit buffer)
(let ((boffset (buffer-boffset buffer)))
(declare (type array-index boffset))
(when (index-plusp boffset)
(buffer-write (buffer-obuf8 buffer) buffer 0 boffset)
(setf (buffer-boffset buffer) 0)
(setf (buffer-last-request buffer) nil))))
(defmacro with-buffer-flush-inhibited ((buffer) &body body)
(let ((buf (if (or (symbolp buffer) (constantp buffer)) buffer '.buffer.)))
`(let* (,@(and (not (eq buf buffer)) `((,buf ,buffer)))
(.saved-buffer-flush-inhibit. (buffer-flush-inhibit ,buf)))
(setf (buffer-flush-inhibit ,buf) t)
(setf (buffer-flush-inhibit ,buf) .saved-buffer-flush-inhibit.)))))
(defun buffer-force-output (buffer)
;; Output is normally buffered, this forces any buffered output to the server.
(declare (type buffer buffer))
(when (buffer-dead buffer)
(x-error 'closed-display :display buffer))
(buffer-flush buffer)
(wrap-buf-output (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-force-output-function buffer) buffer)))
(defun close-buffer (buffer &key abort)
;; Close the host connection in BUFFER
(declare (type buffer buffer))
(unless (null (buffer-output-stream buffer))
(wrap-buf-output (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-close-function buffer) buffer :abort abort))
(setf (buffer-dead buffer) t)
;; Zap pointers to the streams, to ensure they're GC'd
(setf (buffer-output-stream buffer) nil)
(setf (buffer-input-stream buffer) nil)
(defun buffer-input (buffer vector start end &optional timeout)
;; Read into VECTOR from the buffer stream
;; Timeout, when non-nil, is in seconds
;; Returns non-nil if EOF encountered
;; Returns :TIMEOUT when timeout exceeded
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector vector)
(type array-index start end)
(type (or null number) timeout))
(declare (values eof-p))
(when (buffer-dead buffer)
(x-error 'closed-display :display buffer))
(unless (= start end)
(let ((result
(wrap-buf-input (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-input-function buffer)
buffer vector start end timeout))))
(unless (or (null result) (eq result :timeout))
(close-buffer buffer))
(defun buffer-input-wait (buffer timeout)
;; Timeout, when non-nil, is in seconds
;; Returns non-nil if EOF encountered
;; Returns :TIMEOUT when timeout exceeded
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (or null number) timeout))
(declare (values timeout))
(when (buffer-dead buffer)
(x-error 'closed-display :display buffer))
(let ((result
(wrap-buf-input (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-input-wait-function buffer)
buffer timeout))))
(unless (or (null result) (eq result :timeout))
(close-buffer buffer))
(defun buffer-listen (buffer)
;; Returns T if there is input available for the buffer. This should never
;; block, so it can be called from the scheduler.
(declare (type buffer buffer))
(declare (values input-available))
(or (not (null (buffer-dead buffer)))
(wrap-buf-input (buffer)
(funcall (buffer-listen-function buffer) buffer))))
;;; Reading sequences of strings
;;; a list of pascal-strings with card8 lengths, no padding in between
;;; can't use read-sequence-char
(defun read-sequence-string (buffer-bbuf length nitems result-type
&optional (buffer-boffset 0))
(declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
(type array-index length nitems buffer-boffset))
(with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
(let ((result (make-sequence result-type nitems)))
(do* ((index 0 (index+ index 1 string-length))
(count 0 (index1+ count))
(string-length 0)
(string ""))
((index>= count nitems)
(declare (type array-index index count string-length)
(type string string))
(setq string-length (read-card8 index)
string (make-sequence 'string string-length))
(do ((i (index1+ index) (index1+ i))
(j 0 (index1+ j)))
((index>= j string-length)
(setf (elt result count) string))
(declare (type array-index i j))
(setf (aref string j) (card8->char (read-card8 i))))))))
;;; Reading sequences of chars
(defun read-sequence-char (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (character) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((card8->char->transform (v)
(declare (type card8 v))
(funcall transform (card8->char v))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'card8->char->transform))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card8->char->transform
data start index))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card8->char
data start index)))
;;; Reading sequences of card8's
(defun read-list-card8 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 1)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (read-card8 index)))))
(defun read-list-card8-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(declare (type (function (card8) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 1)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (funcall transform (read-card8 index))))))
(defun read-simple-array-card8 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card8 (*)) data))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card8 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8))
(buffer-replace data buffer-bbuf start (index+ start nitems) index))))
(defun read-simple-array-card8-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card8 (*)) data))
(declare (type (function (card8) card8) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card8 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 1)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (the card8 (funcall transform (read-card8 index))))))))
(defun read-vector-card8 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 1)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (read-card8 index))))))
(defun read-vector-card8-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(declare (type (function (card8) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (8) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 1)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (funcall transform (read-card8 index)))))))
(defun read-sequence-card8 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (card8) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(let ((result (or data (make-sequence result-type nitems))))
(typecase result
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-list-card8 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
((simple-array card8 (*))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-simple-array-card8 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-vector-card8 reply-buffer nitems result start index))))
;;; For now, perhaps performance it isn't worth doing better?
(defun read-sequence-int8 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (int8) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((card8->int8->transform (v)
(declare (type card8 v))
(funcall transform (card8->int8 v))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'card8->int8->transform))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card8->int8->transform
data start index))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card8->int8
data start index)))
;;; Reading sequences of card16's
(defun read-list-card16 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (read-card16 index)))))
(defun read-list-card16-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(declare (type (function (card16) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (funcall transform (read-card16 index))))))
(defun read-simple-array-card16 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (the card16 (read-card16 index))))
(buffer-replace data buffer-wbuf start (index+ start nitems) (index-floor index 2)))))
(defun read-simple-array-card16-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data))
(declare (type (function (card16) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (the card16 (funcall transform (read-card16 index))))))))
(defun read-vector-card16 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (read-card16 index)))
(buffer-replace data buffer-wbuf start (index+ start nitems) (index-floor index 2)))))
(defun read-vector-card16-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(declare (type (function (card16) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (16) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 2)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (funcall transform (read-card16 index)))))))
(defun read-sequence-card16 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (card16) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(let ((result (or data (make-sequence result-type nitems))))
(typecase result
(if transform
(read-list-card16-with-transform reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-list-card16 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
((simple-array card16 (*))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-simple-array-card16 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-vector-card16 reply-buffer nitems result start index))))
;;; For now, perhaps performance it isn't worth doing better?
(defun read-sequence-int16 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (int16) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((card16->int16->transform (v)
(declare (type card16 v))
(funcall transform (card16->int16 v))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'card16->int16->transform))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card16->int16->transform
data start index))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card16->int16
data start index)))
;;; Reading sequences of card32's
(defun read-list-card32 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (read-card32 index)))))
(defun read-list-card32-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type list data))
(declare (type (function (card32) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j nitems (index- j 1))
(lst (nthcdr start data) (cdr lst))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index-zerop j))
(declare (type array-index j index)
(type cons lst))
(setf (car lst) (funcall transform (read-card32 index))))))
(defun read-simple-array-card32 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card32 (*)) data))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card32 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (the card32 (read-card32 index))))
(buffer-replace data buffer-lbuf start (index+ start nitems) (index-floor index 4)))))
(defun read-simple-array-card32-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (simple-array card32 (*)) data))
(declare (type (function (card32) card32) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card32 (*)))
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (the card32 (funcall transform (read-card32 index))))))))
(defun read-vector-card32 (reply-buffer nitems data start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (read-card32 index)))
(buffer-replace data buffer-lbuf start (index+ start nitems) (index-floor index 4)))))
(defun read-vector-card32-with-transform (reply-buffer nitems data transform start index)
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type vector data))
(declare (type (function (card32) t) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(with-buffer-input (reply-buffer :sizes (32) :index index)
(do* ((j start (index+ j 1))
(end (index+ start nitems))
(index 0 (index+ index 4)))
((index>= j end))
(declare (type array-index j end index))
(setf (aref data j) (funcall transform (read-card32 index)))))))
(defun read-sequence-card32 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (card32) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(let ((result (or data (make-sequence result-type nitems))))
(typecase result
(if transform
(read-list-card32-with-transform reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-list-card32 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
((simple-array card32 (*))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-simple-array-card32 reply-buffer nitems result start index)))
(if transform
reply-buffer nitems result transform start index)
(read-vector-card32 reply-buffer nitems result start index))))
;;; For now, perhaps performance it isn't worth doing better?
(defun read-sequence-int32 (reply-buffer result-type nitems &optional transform data
(start 0) (index 0))
(declare (type reply-buffer reply-buffer)
(type t result-type) ;; CL type
(type array-index nitems start index)
(type (or null sequence) data))
(declare (type (or null (function (int32) t)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((card32->int32->transform (v)
(declare (type card32 v))
(funcall transform (card32->int32 v))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'card32->int32->transform))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card32->int32->transform
data start index))
reply-buffer result-type nitems #'card32->int32
data start index)))
;;; Writing sequences of chars
(defun write-sequence-char
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) character)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((transform->char->card8 (x)
(char->card8 (the character (funcall transform x)))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'transform->char->card8))
buffer boffset data start end #'transform->char->card8))
(write-sequence-card8 buffer boffset data start end #'char->card8)))
;;; Writing sequences of card8's
(defun write-list-card8 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
(dotimes (j chunk)
(declare (type array-index j))
#-ti (write-card8 j (pop lst)) ;TI Compiler bug
#+ti (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ buffer-boffset j)) (pop lst))
(defun write-list-card8-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card8) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
(dotimes (j chunk)
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card8 j (funcall transform (pop lst)))))
;;; Should really write directly from data, instead of into the buffer first
(defun write-simple-array-card8 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card8 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card8 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((index start (index+ index chunk)))
((type array-index index))
(buffer-replace buffer-bbuf data
(index+ buffer-boffset chunk)
(defun write-simple-array-card8-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card8 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (card8) card8) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card8 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(dotimes (j chunk)
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card8 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-card8 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(dotimes (j chunk)
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card8 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-card8-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card8) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card8
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(dotimes (j chunk)
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card8 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-sequence-card8
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) card8)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(typecase data
(if transform
(write-list-card8-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-list-card8 buffer boffset data start end)))
((simple-array card8 (*))
(if transform
(write-simple-array-card8-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-simple-array-card8 buffer boffset data start end)))
(if transform
(write-vector-card8-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-vector-card8 buffer boffset data start end)))))
;;; For now, perhaps performance it isn't worth doing better?
(defun write-sequence-int8
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) int8)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((transform->int8->card8 (x)
(int8->card8 (the int8 (funcall transform x)))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'transform->int8->card8))
buffer boffset data start end #'transform->int8->card8))
(write-sequence-card8 buffer boffset data start end #'int8->card8)))
;;; Writing sequences of card16's
(defun write-list-card16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (pop lst))))
(defun write-list-card16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (funcall transform (pop lst)))))
(defun write-simple-array-card16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 2)))
(buffer-replace buffer-wbuf data
(index+ buffer-woffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-simple-array-card16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (card16) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-card16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 2)))
(buffer-replace buffer-wbuf data
(index+ buffer-woffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-vector-card16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card16 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-sequence-card16
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) card16)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(typecase data
(if transform
(write-list-card16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-list-card16 buffer boffset data start end)))
((simple-array card16 (*))
(if transform
(write-simple-array-card16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-simple-array-card16 buffer boffset data start end)))
(if transform
(write-vector-card16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-vector-card16 buffer boffset data start end)))))
;;; Writing sequences of int16's
(defun write-list-int16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (pop lst))))
(defun write-list-int16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) int16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (funcall transform (pop lst)))))
(defun write-simple-array-int16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array int16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data (simple-array int16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 2)))
(buffer-replace buffer-wbuf data
(index+ buffer-woffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-simple-array-int16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array int16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (int16) int16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array int16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-int16 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 2)))
(buffer-replace buffer-wbuf data
(index+ buffer-woffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-vector-int16-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) int16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks int16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of int16's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-int16 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-sequence-int16
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) int16)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(typecase data
(if transform
(write-list-int16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-list-int16 buffer boffset data start end)))
((simple-array int16 (*))
(if transform
(write-simple-array-int16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-simple-array-int16 buffer boffset data start end)))
(if transform
(write-vector-int16-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-vector-int16 buffer boffset data start end)))))
;;; Writing sequences of card32's
(defun write-list-card32 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (pop lst))))
(defun write-list-card32-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card32) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (funcall transform (pop lst)))))
(defun write-simple-array-card32 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card32 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card32 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 4)))
(buffer-replace buffer-lbuf data
(index+ buffer-loffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-simple-array-card32-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card32 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (card32) card32) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card32 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-card32 (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))
;; overlapping case
(let ((length (floor chunk 4)))
(buffer-replace buffer-lbuf data
(index+ buffer-loffset length)
(setq index (index+ index length)))))
(defun write-vector-card32-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card32) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card32
((index start))
((type array-index index))
;; Depends upon the chunks being an even multiple of card32's big
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 4)))
((index>= j chunk))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-card32 j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-sequence-card32
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) card32)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(typecase data
(if transform
(write-list-card32-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-list-card32 buffer boffset data start end)))
((simple-array card32 (*))
(if transform
(write-simple-array-card32-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-simple-array-card32 buffer boffset data start end)))
(if transform
(write-vector-card32-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-vector-card32 buffer boffset data start end)))))
;;; For now, perhaps performance it isn't worth doing better?
(defun write-sequence-int32
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) int32)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(if transform
(flet ((transform->int32->card32 (x)
(int32->card32 (the int32 (funcall transform x)))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'transform->int32->card32))
buffer boffset data start end #'transform->int32->card32))
(write-sequence-card32 buffer boffset data start end #'int32->card32)))
(defun read-bitvector256 (buffer-bbuf boffset data)
(declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
(type array-index boffset)
(type (or null (simple-bit-vector 256)) data))
(let ((result (or data (make-array 256 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))))
(declare (type (simple-bit-vector 256) result)
(array-register result))
(do ((i (index+ boffset 1) (index+ i 1)) ;; Skip first byte
(j 8 (index+ j 8)))
((index>= j 256))
(declare (type array-index i j))
(do ((byte (aref-card8 buffer-bbuf i) (index-ash byte -1))
(k j (index+ k 1)))
((zerop byte)
(when data ;; Clear uninitialized bits in data
(do ((end (index+ j 8)))
((index= k end))
(declare (type array-index end))
(setf (aref result k) 0)
(index-incf k))))
(declare (type array-index k)
(type card8 byte))
(setf (aref result k) (the bit (logand byte 1)))))
(defun write-bitvector256 (buffer boffset map)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type array-index boffset)
(type (simple-array bit (*)) map))
(with-buffer-output (buffer :index boffset :sizes 8)
(do* ((i (index+ buffer-boffset 1) (index+ i 1)) ; Skip first byte
(j 8 (index+ j 8)))
((index>= j 256))
(declare (type array-index i j))
(do ((byte 0)
(bit (index+ j 7) (index- bit 1)))
((index< bit j)
(aset-card8 byte buffer-bbuf i))
(declare (type array-index bit)
(type card8 byte))
(setq byte (the card8 (logior (the card8 (ash byte 1)) (aref map bit))))))))
;;; Writing sequences of char2b's
(defun write-list-char2b (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (pop lst))))
(defun write-list-char2b-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type list data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((lst (nthcdr start data)))
((type list lst))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (funcall transform (pop lst)))))
(defun write-simple-array-char2b (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-simple-array-char2b-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type (simple-array card16 (*)) data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (card16) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data (simple-array card16 (*)))
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-char2b (buffer boffset data start end)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (aref data index))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-vector-char2b-with-transform (buffer boffset data start end transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type vector data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (function (t) card16) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(with-vector (data vector)
(writing-buffer-chunks card16
((index start))
((type array-index index))
(do ((j 0 (index+ j 2)))
((index>= j (1- chunk)) (setf chunk j))
(declare (type array-index j))
(write-char2b j (funcall transform (aref data index)))
(setq index (index+ index 1)))))
(defun write-sequence-char2b
(buffer boffset data &optional (start 0) (end (length data)) transform)
(declare (type buffer buffer)
(type sequence data)
(type array-index boffset start end))
(declare (type (or null (function (t) card16)) transform)
(dynamic-extent transform)
#+(and lispm (not clx-ansi-common-lisp))
(sys:downward-funarg transform))
(typecase data
(if transform
(write-list-char2b-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-list-char2b buffer boffset data start end)))
((simple-array card16 (*))
(if transform
(write-simple-array-char2b-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-simple-array-char2b buffer boffset data start end)))
(if transform
(write-vector-char2b-with-transform buffer boffset data start end transform)
(write-vector-char2b buffer boffset data start end)))))